Hall of Fame: The Telepresent Animal

February - May 2014

The Telepresent Animal Hall of Fame features professional artists and emerging artists, who productively address the notion of ‘telepresent animals’ in biological art. This international miniature exhibition delivers visual drama, in which the remarkable bio-artworks reinterpret non-human animals and insects as an artistic medium, specifically for articulating emerging notions of ‘augmented animals and insects’ and ‘media-animals and insects’ within artistic discourse. ...continue exhibition statement by curator, Doo-Sung Yoo

Telepresent Animal Young Artists

Young artists from the Telepresent Animal course at the Ohio State University

Curated by Doo-Sung Yoo

Doo-Sung Yoo is a new media artist who explores hybrid art, interweaving interdisciplinary media between different professional fields, such as dance, robotics, visual performance, and digital video. His artistic syntheses, combining mechanical sculpture with biological materials, collaborate with live animals and human performers within experimental visual performance and video, to probe new aesthetic points and articulations in combinations of nature and technology as new media art forms. He is interested in fluctuations of human form and natural organisms through technological augmentations, which are illustrated in his organ-machine hybrids series, in which disembodied animal organs are combined with electronic devices within mechanical bodies and the human body.

His experimental hybrids have been shown in many exhibitions and art festivals, such as the International Digital Arts Festival, Prospectives.09 at Reno, Nevada, and Ingenuity Festival 2012 at Cleveland, Ohio. He presented his works in the conference of International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) 2012 at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the New Media Caucus Showcase 2013 at New York City. His artwork was featured on the cover of the new media art journal Media-N 2013. He has been interviewed on the blog We Make Money Not Art, and his artwork has been reviewed in the Wired Magazine blog, and Rhizome. He received an MFA in Multimedia Animation from Sejong University in Seoul, South Korea (2003) and a BFA and MFA in Art and Technology from The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio (2010), where he teaches digital media art classes.

More about Doo-Sung Yoo

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